Choosing the terrace door HST system, most of the clients points out the importance of leveling the exterior floor with the exterior floor, maintaining the thermal qualities. Present in the offer of Eco Tech Windows by Pagen from the September, threshold ECO PASS with the height of 5mm, allows on creating the solutions without barriers and with boundless freedom of moves, providing optimal tightness and thermal insulation.
Interiors without barriers serves not only to old people, those who are using wheelchair or one, whose mobility capacity is somehow limited. Usage of the modern solutions in home, surely will increase the quality of life of every resident, especially that the height of a running rail is less than 5mm, what allow on boundless freedom of movements and is below the required standards, stated in DIN 18040, which is 20mm.
Thermal extension
In order of providing a high thermal qualities of connecting the threshold with the floor, our Clients can equip terrace door HST system with special thermal extension. The extensions, thanks to its construction, in a proper way can distribute the support forces by a specially reinforced divider, which is located under the running rail and which can take over even the highest weight. To provide proper waterproofing, but also the warranty of a proper functioning of a connector as an element of construction partition, connection of the extension with the surface can be additionally secure by a ME220 foil of Illbruck company, with the glue on the whole surface – explains Ireneusz Wierciak, Product Menager of PAGEN company.